'For more barbecue and grilling recipes visit: http://howtobbqright.com/ How to smoke turkey breast | Smoked turkey breast recipe A Whole, Bone-In Turkey Breast is the way to go if you don’t need the entire bird. Whole Bone-In Turkey Breast can be found right beside the frozen turkeys in the supermarket. Before seasoning the turkey breast melt ½ stick of butter and brush it on the skin. This will help the turkey skin brown and give the seasoning something to adhere too. Here’s the Smoked Turkey Seasoning 2 cups Salt 1 cup Black Pepper ½ cup Granulated Garlic 1 TBS Cayenne Pepper 1 TBS Poultry Seasoning This makes way more seasoning than you’ll need for 1 turkey breast, but it will keep for several months in an air tight container. Next it’s time to get something in the cavity of the turkey breast to give it a little more mass. I use an apple, onion, and some fresh herbs (rosemary & thyme). Next I want to get some flavor inside the turkey breast, and to do this I’m using Butcher’s Bird Booster Honey injection. Mix ¼ cup of Bird Booster with 2 cups of Water and inject it into the turkey breast. I try to hit the turkey breast at least 4 sticks into the top of each breast and hit the ends close to the bone. I’m smoking this turkey breast on my Yoder YS480 with apple BBQr’s Delight pellets at 300 degrees. This may seem a little high for smoking but trust me it’s perfect for a smoked turkey. Once the pit is up to temp, place the Whole bone-in Turkey breast on the rack skin side up. The cook time is going to be about 2 hours for an 8lb bone-in breast, but you really have to watch the internal temperature when cooking turkey. I use a thermoworks Chef Alarm to monitor the internal and it goes in at the very beginning of the cook. You can get your own Chef Alarm at http://www.thermoworks.com/products/alarm/chefalarm.html/?tw=KILLERHOGS Check on the breast at the hour mark. The skin should start to have some color but not too dark. It may need a little extra melted butter if it’s looking dark. The butter will help with the browning effect too. If you do notice the skin turning darker, lay a piece of aluminum foil loosely over it. The finished temperature for Turkey breast is 165. Pull the breast off the smoker as soon as it hits this temp. If you’re not sure, probe it with an instant read thermometer in a couple places to verify. Any juice that runs out should also be clear. Let the turkey breast rest for at least 15 minutes before carving. For more how-to recipes visit: http://howtobbqright.com/ For Killer Hogs BBQ Sauce, Rub and Competition BBQ equipment, visit: http://howtobbqright.com/bbqshop/'
Tags: Malcom Reed , HowToBBQRight , Turkey breast recipes , how to smoke turkey breast , smoked turkey breast recipes , smoked turkey breast , smoke turkey breast , best smoked turkey breast recipe , how to smoke a turkey breast , smoking turkey breast , how to smoke a turkey breast in a smoker , injecting a turkey , injecting turkey breast , hoq to bbq right
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